How to Achieve Complete Visibility of IT Endpoint Devices to Avoid Frustrating Downtime for End Users

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by Lakeside Team

Too often IT is forced to be an emergency care unit for issue resolution. Sudden work disruptions. Ongoing demands to close more tickets each day. Increasingly distributed digital workplaces. It’s no wonder that IT support systems are constantly dealing with fire drills.

How can you break this cycle? Greater visibility across the IT estate. A complete view of the organization from the inside out gives IT leaders a better understanding of the interventions and proactive improvements needed to address brewing IT issues before they have an impact on the employee’s digital experience or cause downtime.

This complete visibility empowers IT teams to easily get ahead of tickets and business-disrupting problems, saving both employees and engineers from frustrating queues.

Of course, full visibility into the IT environment isn’t always easy to achieve. There are a number of blind spots that organizations have to contend with, such as fragmented data and the complexities of hybrid work environments. Finding solutions to these challenges, however, can put you on the path toward successful IT optimization.

Here are three steps to set you on the right path toward achieving complete visibility of IT endpoint devices to avoid frustrating downtime for end users:

1. Capture data at IT endpoints.

The first step to gaining complete IT visibility is to collect data on how endpoints across your IT environment are performing. Visibility into specific devices is necessary for troubleshooting both urgent issues such as blue screens, allowing IT staff to perform advanced root cause analysis on unexpected issues, run automated fixes, and otherwise operate the help desk more efficiently.

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2. Gather insights from endpoint data to pivot to proactive IT.

Data collection is just a starting point. Capturing insights from that data will help you build the bigger picture. Knowing what’s happening, how the issue impacts users, and what can be done to solve any issues that may escalate to other users is critical to the operation of any organization.

Visibility founded on data insights enables IT to better understand the digital employee experience (DEX) — a process of analyzing usage and performance data across devices, structures, and services to understand the quality of users’ digital experiences. By continuously gathering and analyzing metrics directly from endpoints, IT teams can see the following:

  • • Hardware and app performance

  • • Latency time

  • • CPU, memory, or storage usage

  • • Network connectivity

  • • App or system faults

  • • Slow startup times

These data points can be aggregated and displayed in dashboards and reports that can show at a glance the state of digital environments.

These data points can be aggregated and displayed in dashboards and reports that can show at a glance the state of digital environments.

3. Maintain a strong IT health score to prevent downtime.

This complete IT visibility sounds great, but digital environments never stay the same for long. As technologies evolve, priorities shift, and the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) culture expands, the IT estate will always change, grow, and become vastly more complex along with it.

This reality makes keeping tabs on everything more difficult, too. And although there are countless tools and solutions out there to help IT departments track bits and pieces of their IT estate, most fall short of providing the breadth and depth of detail needed to see clear across the digital landscape and into end-user experiences in real time.

It’s important to draw on the breadth and depth of data that not only builds a picture but also tells a story. What is that story? A dynamic health score that delivers insights from both real-time data and data captured at the edge for historical context

To build such a robust picture, you need to securely capture metrics at a volume (e.g., more than 10,000 metrics) and cadence (e.g., every 15 seconds) that, together from breadth and depth, give IT a more complete and accurate view of what users are experiencing. Coupled with all the underlying IT factors that may disrupt their digital experiences, this visibility translates into an ongoing end-user experience (EUX) score.

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An EUX score lets IT know at a glance the overall state of an organization’s digital environment and the impact it has on productivity. This score also can greatly influence day-to-day operations and even prompt proactive IT support, as well as become a powerful key performance indicator (KPI) in IT initiatives, transformation projects, and business strategies.

Full Visibility for Optimized IT

There’s a lot that goes into gaining full organizational visibility. Any organization consists of such a diverse array of technologies and user interactions that full visibility can be gained only by gathering an extensive amount of performance data and supplementing it with occasional user surveys.

Not all data collection is up to the task, though. It’s important to look for holistic IT monitoring solutions that give you insight into every aspect of your environment at both a broad and granular level.

This all may sound like a big ask, but it’s achievable with the right digital employee experience tools. As IT continues to evolve and ways of working continue to introduce new complications, achieving full IT visibility has become an imperative.

Business Value of IT Visibility


Fewer disruptions and less downtime mean better digital experiences, which boost employee productivity, engagement, and even retention.


Resolving issues before they become widespread and impact end users greatly reduces the amount of time and resources needed to react to sudden disruptions.


Specialized workflows, automation, and quick alerting help IT teams optimize operations, freeing up staff to work on transformations that drive the overall business forward.